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Safety & Security

Anonymous Reporting

rsvp3The Mt. Olive Board of Education has partnered with the Morris County Sheriff’s Office on an anonymous tip application program called "RSVP-3 Morris County, NJ" to enable students, parents and community members to report potential acts of violence.

RSVP-3 Morris can be downloaded in either the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. The app allows the reporter to report a potential act of violence anonymously.  Said report will be received immediately by local law enforcement and forwarded on to designated school personnel if the act concerns a student or school.

In concert with this program, Mt. Olive Township School District staff members have been trained in Behavioral Threat Assessment Management, which is a method of assessing potential threats developed by the Department of Homeland Security and the United States Secret Service. The goal in utilizing this program is to prevent any potential violent or criminal act.

Please note that RSVP-3 is to be used for reporting school related information only. For issues outside of school, please contact MOPD at (973) 691-0850 or visit police headquarters at 204 Flanders-Drakestown Road, Budd Lake, NJ 07828.