The Mount Olive School District eagerly invites your input and values open communication with parents and community members. To ensure optimal assistance, kindly reach out to your child's teacher or building principal for matters concerning your child. Our dedicated school guidance counselors are also available to provide support tailored to your family's specific needs.
Recognizing that effective education relies on a strong partnership between schools and the community, the Board of Education encourages active involvement and communication. Your presence at Board of Education meetings is welcomed, and the schedule of these meetings can be found on our Board of Education page.
For direct contact with the Board of Education Office, please call (973) 691-4008. If you prefer electronic communication, you can reach the Business Administrator / Board Secretary, Nicole Schoening, at
To receive timely updates from your child's school and the district, it's essential to ensure that your email address and phone number are up-to-date in Real Time.
Community members interested in joining our email distribution list can complete the request form.
Request Form